What are the forms of withholding taxes?

The withholding tax is nothing more than a deduction which the withholding agent, or the person who uses the service for which the fee is paid, carries on the amount subject to tax that is paid to the person who has provided the , commonly known as perceiver.

There are different types of income subject to withholding tax, these include front-line employment income and income from self-employment.

For the withholding tax on income from employment is commonly used form the occasional performance, while for self-employed income is used instead form withholding tax professionals. In the latter case the deductions on the other hand are the most frequent withholding of the surveyor, the withholding of the notary and the withholding of engineers.

The module withholding reduced, however, is used by agents and sales representatives that use a continuous exercise of their duties the work of employees or third parties. In this case it is in fact given the opportunity to take advantage of the withholding tax on the commission to a lesser extent.

By 28 February of the year following that in which it was paying, in addition, the withholding agent should use the pattern withholding certification attesting the payment of fees and the deduction made. This completed form must be submitted within the said period to those recipients.




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