How to check if an insurance company is licensed to operate in Italy?

How to check if an insurance company is licensed to operate in the Italian territory. The Institute for the Supervision of Private Insurance and Collective is the body responsible for granting authorizations to operate on the Italian territory. The lists of insurance companies are published Isvap in order to give publicity to insurance companies authorized by the users and intermediary agencies. The list can also be viewed online at The moment Isvap establish the presence of an insurance company operating in Italy but without regular certification, discloses a press release to alert users.

The policies taken out with an insurance company is not enabled are not valid

Any stipulation of policies with an insurance company is not enabled for contractors involves the absence of insurance coverage and for intermediaries carrying out an activity not permitted by the rules. E 'therefore advisable to consult the list of users authorized by Isvap insurance companies before entering into a new insurance policy.




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