How to save money on your electric bill? A short guide with practical advice

Save Electricity

The electricity bill is getting too expensive? The new year has brought with it further increases? You can save, let us see how.

It 's simple advise saving light bulbs, as well as electrical appliances in Class A +.

Yeah, but if I have to spend considerable sums to change all the light bulbs and home appliances, then save (if all goes well ...) one hundred euro a year ... it's worth it?

"Unplug your mobile phone charger when not in use! »

"Do not leave your TV in standby! »

"Install wherever a power strip with the button, and unplug everything that is not always use it! »

All great advice, for heaven's sake. But really how much you save? A ten euro a year, if all goes well. Given the hassle, time and effort required (in addition to the cost of slippers) ... worth it?

These are excellent strategies in key ecologist, sin are completely unsuccessful in terms of real economic savings.

Your goal is to really save money? Follow me.


Evaluate your consumption

The first important step is to choose the best offer for your needs.

For some time now the market is free: there are dozens of managers, each with different offers.

But as through the jungle of prices, deals, discounts and promotions?

Begin to analyze what are the real consumption, and how they are divided.

You should already have the new electronic meter that allows you to transmit consumption in real time, and most importantly allows for the division of consumption bands.


If you still have the old type, please consult your manager: should already be scheduled replacement, fast and free.

Now take your last three bills, and read the values ​​of average annual consumption.

You will find a total of three values:

• F1 - The time is ranging from 8 to 19 days from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

• F2 - The time ranging from 7 to 8 and from 19 to 23 in the period from Monday to Friday and the hours ranging from 7 to 23 on Saturday (excluding public holidays)

• F3 - The time ranging from 23 to 7 days from Monday to Saturday and from 0 to 24 hours on Sundays and public holidays (January 1, 6 January, Easter Monday, April 25, May 1, June 2, August 15th, November 1st, 8th December, 25 December, 26 December)

Make an average of the values ​​divided by borders, and keep it aside.

If at certain times of the year uses a lot more electricity than normal (eg. During the summer, if you have an air conditioning system), you should take even more 2:00 to 3:00 bills with consumption in this period, and average including those too.

Well, now you have sufficient information to choose from.


Choose the right provider

The net is full of portals for the comparison of offers and tariffs, and it is easy to get lost.

I recommend you use the Find Offers Authority for Electricity and Gas.

Enter your zip code, choose whether resident or not, and choose Monorarie, two-tier and Enel to.

On the next screen enter the power used (should be 3 kW) and enter the three values ​​that you marked earlier.

On the next screen, select all three types of deals.

Here we are! You'll get a list of offers, from the cheapest to most expensive.

If you've never changed supplier, you'll get enhanced protection service (mono or biorario): look how much you can save!

But wait! Do not choose immediately. Many managers have discounts and special offers with the most diverse products and services.

Do you have a toll? Do you have a bank account? Are you a member of any club?

Make a mental, and double-check: you may have additional discounts reserved for you, and it would not be first on the list for you the cheapest.

Ask also to family and friends: there are often promotions has a friend, and the like.

At this point, changing provider right away: just a few clicks and you will not have any interruption in supply, nor should someone come to your house to replace the meter or otherwise.

It 's like the change of manager of the mobile phone: easy, fast, cost-free, and save immediately.

One last tip: choose the RID as a method of payment. Avoid forgetting and subsequent default, and usually also reset the security deposit.

That's it? Not at all, go ahead.


Schedule consumption

The cost of electricity is maximum in a band F1, F2 and minimum minor band in band F3.

So, why not concentrate consumption in the bands at a lower cost?



Fill it (the cost of a wash is the same, so it saves you fill it well) and set the timer to make it go after 23. Consume the same amount of electricity, but also will cost less than half.

It also sets quietly washing program budget, which washes at 45 ° instead of 65 ° to the traditional one. The modern detergents contain enzymes, which are active even at low temperature, and the dishes are well the same, but with a considerable decrease of consumption. Try it for yourself.


Washing machine

It is the same: always fill it, do you prefer the low temperature wash, and have to go at night. If you can not because noisy, focus your washes over the weekend: the rate is the same.


Electric Oven

And 'one of the major sources of consumption. It is obviously not possible to cook after 23, but after 19 yes. If you can, do it. It is not the same rate super convenient of the night, but if you turn it on at 18.30 instead of the 19 it costs you more.



Same thing of the oven: stretching after 19 or on weekends, the savings will be tangible.


Take a shower in the evening

Yeah, because after you will need to dry your hair, and the hair dryer is a great power guzzler! Also, if you have the electric water heater, it is a further saving.



You know that consumes more empty than full?

You know that if you have a nice layer of ice, the water consumption increases?

So: keep it full and Defrost often.

It also tries to open the doors few times as possible, because every time you open it goes away a slice of energy. If you have to fill or empty, open the door once and get it all together.


And finally ...

Have you followed all my advice? Good. You will see the savings right from the next bill.

But it does not end here.

Come back in six months - a year at most, and occurs again your estimated annual consumption divided by three bands.

The total value will not be diminished, but you'll definitely moved your consumption in the bands cheaper.

Then repeat the verification of rates (and promotions / conventions), and checks whether the market offers something better.

Repeat this constantly occurs at least once a year, and your wallet will thank.




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