Loans at subsidized interest rates for young couples

Obtain mortgages for young couples in this historical moment definitely seems like an arduous task. First the conditions for increasingly stringent requirements of banks, then for the lack of information to clients and the same dates, a situation certainly not trivial, many kids today are temporary and for them it is quite impossible to get a mortgage.

A survey of Altroconsumo shows that the government guarantee fund for loans to young temporary workers, established on September 1, 2011, is in fact boycotted by banks, which prefer to offer loans at interest rates higher than those proposed a year ago and only nine out of 71 agencies have fulfilled this obligation of transparency reporting to the young prospective borrowers the opportunity to use the conditions of this fund with a budget (at full capacity) of 50 million euro.

The fund, managed by Consap, acts as guarantor for young couples for a range of up to 75,000 Euros. The conditions to benefit from this fund provide above that the properties are not purchased luxury and do not exceed 90 square meters.

Young couples who require the mortgage and rely on this fund must be aged under 35 years, a Isee income not exceeding EUR 35 thousand, not more than 50% total taxable income for income tax arising from a contract of indefinite duration and the non-possession of other residential properties.

The survey Altroconsumo, it appears, however, that the banks also observed disregard the Isvap prohibiting them from selling life insurance policies or life related to the mortgage of which they are beneficiaries. The fund aims, of course, subsidized rates, especially in the case of variable rate mortgages, which, however, is not disclosed in most cases.




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